Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
2) I’m still in love with Harry Potter. I still have my hand-made acceptance letter. I refuse to watch the new movie. I can’t take it that it’s the end of Harry Potter. I still have most of the spells memorized…
3) I actually really like homework. This summer has been boring (after I came back from China) because I had no english/spanish summer work to finish. I’m such a nerd.
4) I like Calc 2 better than Calc 1. HAHAH
5) I creep… a lot.
6) I know 7 languages :)
7) I can breakdance… or at least try to breakdance. HAHAHA
8) I once cut off 5 inches of my hair… and used it as a paintbrush
9) My guilty pleasure is watching those Chinese dramas about the old chinese times. Where people use their energy, and have these powers -__-x haha I love them! They’re really interesting. Especially the ones that are Comedy / Romance / Action.