VK Anime
Woot, the anime is finally here with the first episode airing on April 7th! A new episode airs each monday (the most recent was on the 21st). I’ve recently finished watching ep. 3. I initially didn’t like the opening and ending (songs and animation), but I think they’re fine now. You could say I got used to them. As for the seiyuus, every character is well voiced (Zero’s voice is THE BEST). However, even though Yui Horie is famous, I think she sometimes makes Yuuki’s voice sound too squeaky. The animation is rather decent for an anime series made by Studio DEEN (Fullmoon wo Sagashite’s animation was the shit, literally). The backgrounds are realistic and beaufitul. Combined with eerie music, the creepy/vampiric atmosphere of the series is geniously achieved. The palette is also complete featuring pale colors for the shoujo side of VK and dark colors for the more bloody side of the series. The characters may not be as well drawn as in the manga, but they aren’t incredibly ugly either. (OCCASIONALLY, the characters will appear as beaufitul as in the manga.) I just hope the series’ animation quality stays the same as episode 1’s or improves. (Ep. 1’s animation was decent while Ep. 2’s deteriorated a bit.)
Concerning differences between the anime and manga, there SEEMS to be only minor changes in the plot. I think each episode will portray one chapter from the manga. The story might progress at an accelerated rate though as the manga has over 40 chapters while the anime only has 26 episodes(?) OR, some sub-plots might possibly be removed to shorten the story’s length. According to me, the anime’s main differences with the manga are:
- more action
- more shoujo-ness/school comedy
- better achieved creepy atmosphere
- minor(?) plot changes
- uglier Zero (LOL! actually, every character is affected ><)
It’s hard for me to get absorbed into the anime because I already know the story beforehand from reading the manga. So I really want to know the point of view of someone newly introduced to VK. I don’t want the anime version of Vampire Knight to be ruined! XD