I would kill to watch this movie. LOLL
if it has not been made clear to you that the girl of your dreams is in any way romantically inclined toward you, do NOT attempt to woo her with corniness. do not text her cute pickup lines. do not plan extravagant scavenger hunts. do not ask her to prom with a million roses and balloons. do not tell her how cute she is 24/7. do not act like a lovestruck puppy. do not buy her anything and everything her heart desires. do not bake for her. do not cook for her.
if you do, prepare to be letdown. because unless a girl has interest in you, the more you do these things, the creepier you seem. and the creepier you seem, the less interested she will be.
its true. girls are attracted to bad boys. of course they want the wooing and crap, but that stuff is not what gets the gal. oh yea you see girls sighing and swooning when they see their bffs get courted by boyfriends….. key phrase: boyfriends. people they already are connected to, people their bffs most likely do like.
so why do nice guys finish last? because they annoy and scare the hell out of us.
no matter what romcoms and korean dramas say, asking a girl out in the most ridiculously sappy romantic way is NOT going to score you points. unless you know or have a pretty dang good idea that she will say yes, just let her know how you feel straight up. save the sappiness for the actual relationship, and if you’re letdown, at least you’ll have saved yourself some cash.