Need Moose Poop Products?

Did you think moose poop was just moose poop? Absolutely not. Only in America have we discovered how to successfully market moose poop.

First of all, there is moose poop jewelry. Here is lovely set of moose poop earrings. They are a lovely pair of 1″ long earrings retailing for $10. I am sure if you watch one of the home shopping television shows, you may even be able to get them cheaper.

How about some moose poop chap stick?

Moose Poop Lip Balm

Finally, my favorite and this one is absolutely for real, Moose-cence. Moose poop incense for your living room. Their slogan is “You can’t get this shit just anywhere.”

Here’s some of the story behind Moose-cense…

Jerry Black is a retired Northwest Airlines pilot and Marian Palaia is currently a program coordinator with the Office for Civic Engagement at the University of Montana. We are both animal lovers, though Jerry (being retired) has a little more time to advocate on their behalf, and is not shy about doing so. After we were introduced last winter by mutual friend Susan Waite, we quickly settled into a Sunday morning dog hiking routine with Jerry’s three dogs, Dawson, Bo Bo and Chase (he also has two cats, two kids and a grandson), and Marian’s dog Tupelo (no other animals or offspring, by design). Last February, Jerry returned from a tracking course in the Swan, having made the startling and intriguing discovery that not only does moose poop burn quite a lot like incense, it actually smells good when it burns. Like willow, or sweetgrass, or dogwood. After about a ten-minute business-planning session/hike in the North Hills, Moose-Cense was born. Jerry originally wanted to box up the poop in clear plastic containers, but Marian, with absolutely no prior knowledge of marketing, design, or anything even remotely related, commandeered the role of artistic director. The result, which has been a process of experimentation and discovery, is what you will find on this site.

There are about a million jokes that could follow a discussion of selling poop, but I’ll refrain. Next time you are in the market for some moose poop, you now know where to find them.

Credit: http://www.pennsoutdoors.com/2008/need-moose-poop-products/


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