f(x) dance practice and photoshoot clips

The clips were released on the sment youtube channel. And all gifs credited to 10_sexy_04 @ naver

Dance Practice and MV filming - These girls are still so freakin’ gorgeous and cute without makeup on. *is jealous* They’re all really smiley ^____^ (especially Sulli) throughout the thing even though they’re sweating bucketloads and working their buttocks off! LOL at Amber at the beginning and O__O at her looking feminine with her hair tied back. Victoria is so fierce and sexy when she dances!! Luna: here and here. Krystal and Amber are totally BFFs, look at her molesting Amber hahaha. Krymber is their couple name apparently? I still ship Amtoria more though XDDDD

Oh and bonus, you get to see LSM!! Amber has a translator sitting next to her haha.

Photoshoot – Ohhh sounds like Lachata remix or something. Interesting. Sulli was so cute jumping around for her photoshoot :D

credit: imop.wordpress.com


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