Um, Issue!
Posted by: irugnotmis on: May 10, 2009
I’ve never explicitly made the effort to say this before (thought the idea to respect intellectual property is implicit, oh how naïve of me), so now, I will say it, so LISTEN UP:
I Do Not appreciate the fact that my recaps are being reposted on other blogs/forums without citation — take them off, please!
I’ve managed to feel violated enough that I’d still be annoyed if you went back now and added the short line of credit. (Yeah, I’m anal like that.) So, don’t repost at all. What do ya know, trackbacks and pingbacks are there for a very good reason.
Come on, I put in the time to write these darn recaps, pondered over the words, giggled as I inserted a pun or a joke, and honestly wondered if people will get them. They are mine (Mine! MINE!)! So be nice!
PS: Thanks to everyone who have shown respect.
Hey guys (:
Some posts have been deleted due to the fact that the author does not want posts posted out of her site. If you would like to finish reading them, please go to
Sorry for any of the trouble that I have caused. I DID credit, and there were at least 2 links linking back to your posts. Again, sorry for the trouble.