Que Sera Sera Episode 9 Excerpt
Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene
Yeah, you know which one(s) I’m talking about.
As expected, Sunday’s big episode has pretty much unleashed a heated torrent of opinions, which frankly are too varied and controversial to expect everyone to agree upon. (I can see that just reading the comments! Which, by the way, I love reading since they tend to be so thoughtful and diverse when it comes to QSS.)
By a stroke of luck, I was able to find excerpts of Episode 9’s script (in its original Korean) posted on a Korean fan blog. So I thought, what better way to address the scene than for me to stop thinking about how to word my opinions and maintain objectivity and all that, and instead step back and let the script speak for itself?
Brown-Eyed Girls - “다가와서” (Coming near, or Because you came near) [ zShare download ]
I’ve tried to translate as directly as I could, as much as that was possible. On some level, I think that when we’re talking about film and visual media, at some point you can’t cling to the “intent” of a scene and have to look at what the actuality of the scene is. If, for instance, something was meant to be mean but came across funny, in the end it’s a funny moment.
And while I don’t necessarily think the script sets anything firmly into stone — about rape, almost-rape, domestic violence, sexual assault, love, desperation, forgiveness, etc., and whether any or all of these issues were even at play in Episode 9 — I think it might help clear up some points.
So take a look and everyone can draw your own opinions:
Scene 40. Hotel, Elevator / Corridor
The elevator doors open, and a very worked-up Tae Joo gets out.
Tae Joo strides quickly down the hallway.
He presses the doorbell to Eun Soo’s room with manic energy, and pounds on the door relentlessly.
A moment later, the door opens.
Without even sparing Eun Soo a chance to be surprised, Tae Joo rushes at her, grabbing her harshly in a kiss, pushing her into the room.
Scene 41. The Same, Eun Soo’s Room
Startled, Eun Soo struggles desperately against Tae Joo’s assault, but is no match for his strength.
Without care for Eun Soo’s resistance, Tae Joo overwhelms Eun Soo in his kiss, clutching her tightly.
As Eun Soo tries whatever she can to shake him off, both lose their balance and fall to the ground.
Scene 43. Hotel, Eun Soo’s Room.
Tae Joo caresses the fallen Eun Soo, and with one hand starts to undress.
Desperately crying out in resistance, Eun Soo isn’t even aware she’s weeping in fear.
Tae Joo suddenly stills his hand, seeing Eun Soo.
At the sight, he realizes what the hell he’s doing.
At an utter loss for what to do, Eun Soo cries.
Tae Joo starts to feel a sense of shame.
At that moment, he senses something strange, and turns around, reacts in shock.
Sometime during all this, Hye Rin has arrived.
Eun Soo doesn’t see Hye Rin, and escapes from Tae Joo’s arms, collecting herself and her disheveled clothes.
Hye Rin approaches. She glares at Tae Joo with contempt and hatred.
Tae Joo watches Hye Rin approach and prepares himself, but the next moment, Hye Rin turns to Eun Soo next to him, and strikes her across the face.
Eun Soo falls at the sudden attack, and without giving her a chance to gather herself, Hye Rin lunges at Eun Soo. The two women engage in a violent fight.
Eun Soo can’t defend herself against the enraged Hye Rin. She can only take the hits.
Tae Joo, watching incredulously, interferes and drags Hye Rin away.
Tae Joo: “Are you crazy?! What the hell are you doing?!”
Hye Rin: “Let go! I said, let go!”
Hye Rin, having completely lost her reason, shakes Tae Joo off, and starts to attack Eun Soo again. At this, Tae Joo slaps Hye Rin across the cheek and causes her to fall to the ground.
Hye Rin looks at Tae Joo, shocked; Eun Soo also looks on, wide-eyed in shock.
Tae Joo glares at Hye Rin, then looks at Eun Soo in a heap on the floor. He takes her hand to help her up, then drags her like that out of the room.
Hye Rin clasps her hands in front of her eyes, seeing Tae Joo and Eun Soo leave. It’s all so abrupt, she can’t even get a firm grasp on what’s going on.
Scene 44: Montage
- Hotel corridor: Tae Joo grabbing Eun Soo’s hand as he walks down the hall, pushing the elevator button, but then changing course and taking the staircase.
- Hotel stairway: Tae Joo and Eun Soo walking down the stairs quickly
- Hotel, Eun Soo’s room: Hye Rin, as the situation finally sinks in. Betrayal mixes with fury and jealousy.
- Hotel stairway: Eun Soo and Tae Joo, going down the stairs recklessly, without thought.
- Jewelry store: Looking amongst the display cases, Joon Hyuk points at a bracelet. The store employee takes the bracelet out and hands it to him.
Scene 45. In front of hotel entrance (night)
Rain falls down in a fury.
Tae Joo and Eun Soo, having run all the way to the hotel entrance, look up at the rain pouring down, and stop in their tracks.
Both catch their breaths as they look out dazedly at the pouring rain. Eun Soo stares blankly out into the rain, with a mindless, vacant expression.
Tae Joo: “I love you…”
Eun Soo: !
Tae Joo: (Looking at Eun Soo) “I love you, Eun Soo”
Eun Soo: !
Eun Soo, with the same blank gaze, trembles as she takes her hand out of Tae Joo’s grasp.
Tae Joo moves to take her hand again, but Eun Soo steps aside, as though in challenge.
Tae Joo is unable to approach Eun Soo calmly, as she starts to walk into the rain, like one whose spirit has left her.
As though she’s running away, Eun Soo walks away with short, quick steps, her face starting to crumple in tears, overwhelmed.
Tae Joo takes off his jacket and chases after her. Attempting to block the rain with his jacket, he holds it over Eun Soo’s head and his own as he chases after her.
As before, Eun Soo walks dispiritedly as her face twists with tears, and now starts to completely break down. Rain and tears mix.
She gives no care to Tae Joo, following behind, who becomes agitated seeing her cry.
Tae Joo: “Hey, are you okay? Where are you going? Hey…”
Tae Joo moves to turn Eun Soo toward him, but at that moment, Eun Soo turns herself toward him, runs at him and kisses him.
Tae Joo wraps Eun Soo in his arms tightly.
Passionately, ardently, the two kiss as though they’d stay in their embrace for ages, and off their two expressions —
Credits to hanic71’s naver blog for the excerpt!
Original script:
40. 호텔, 엘리베이터 / 복도
엘리베이터 문이 열리고 잔뜩 상기된 태주가 내린다.
태주, 빠른 걸음으로 복도를 걸어간다.
은수의 방 벨을 미친 듯이 누르고 방문을 사정없이 두드린다.
잠시 후 문이 열린다.
은수가 놀랄 사이도 없이 태주, 은수에게 달려들어 거칠게 입을 맞추며 그대로 밀고 방으로 들어간다.41. 동, 은수의 방
은수, 갑작스런 태주의 공격에 필사적으로 저항하지만 태주의 힘을 당해낼 수 없다.
태주, 은수의 저항에 아랑곳없이 키스를 퍼부으며 끌어안는다.
어떡하든 태주에게서 벗어나려는 은수, 두사람, 균형을 잃으며 바닥에 쓰러진다42. 쥬얼리샵
패스43. 호텔, 은수의 방
태주, 쓰러진 은수를 애무하며 거친 손길로 옷을 벗기려 한다.
필사적으로 비명을 지르며 저항하는 은수, 공포에 질려 어느덧 흐느끼고 있다.
태주, 문득 손길을 멈추고 은수를 본다.
그제서야 지금 자신이 무슨 일을 하고 있었는지를 깨닫는다.
어쩔 줄 몰라하며 오열하는 은수.
태주, 자괴감이 든다.
이때 이상한 느낌을 받은 듯 뒤를 돌아보는 태주, 깜짝 놀란다.
어느 사이엔가 혜린이 와 있었던 것
은수, 혜린은 보지 못하고 태주의 품에서 빠져나와 흐트러진 옷매무새를 가다듬는다.
혜린, 다가온다. 증오와 경멸의 눈으로 태주를 노려본다.
태주, 각오한다는 듯 혜린을 보는데, 다음 순간, 혜린, 옆에 있던 은수의 뺨을 사정엇이 갈긴다.
갑작스런 공격에 쓰러지는 은수, 은수가 제대로 몸을 추스릴 사이도 없이 혜린, 은수에게 달려든다. 두 여자의 격렬한 몸싸움이 시작된다.
독이 오른 혜린에게 은수는 당해낼 수가 없다. 거의 일방적으로 맞고 있는 상황이다.
믿을 수 없다는 듯 놀란 눈으로 보던 태주, 혜린을 거칠게 끌어낸다.태주 : 너 미쳤어! 뭐하는 짓이야!
혜린 : 이거 놔, 놓으란 말이야!혜린, 완전히 이성을 잃은 듯 태주를 뿌리치며, 은수를 다시 공격하려는데 이때 태주가 혜린의 뺨을 때리는 바람에 바닥에 쓰러지고 만다.
충격을 받은 듯 태주를 보는 혜린, 은수도 깜짝 놀란 눈으로 그들을 바라본다.
태주, 혜린을 노려보다가 옆에 널브러져 있던 은수의 손을 잡아 일으켜 그대로 끌고 방을 나간다.
혜린, 눈 앞에서 손잡고 가는 태주와 은수를 망현히 본다. 너무 급작스러워 어떤 상황인지 이해도 잘 가지 않는다. 그저 놀라울 뿐이다.44. 몽타쥬
- 호텔 복도 : 은수의 손을 잡고 걸아가는 태투, 엘리베이터 버튼을 누르지만 여의치 않자 계단으로 향한다.
-호텔 계단 : 계단을 내려가는 태주와 은수의 빠른 발걸음
- 호텔, 은수의 방 : 혜린, 이제야 상황이 접수된다. 배신감과 분노, 질투와 절망의 감정이 뒤엉킨다.
- 호텔 계단 : 정신없이 계단을 내려가는 은수오 ㅏ태주
- 쥬얼리샵 : 진열장 안의 팔찌를 가리키는 준혁, 직원이 꺼내주는 팔찌를 손에 받아쥔다.45. 호텔 정문 앞 (밤)
비가 세차게 내리고 있다.
태주와 은수, 정문으로 막 뛰어나오다가 세찬 빗줄기를 보고 발걸음을 멈춘다.
두사람, 거친 숨을 고르며 망연히 빗줄기를 본다. 은수는 정신이 없는 듯 멍한 얼굴로 빗줄기만 보고 있다.태주 : 사랑해……
은수 : !
태주 : (은수를 본다) 사랑해, 은수야
은수 : !은수, 여전히 빗줄기에 시선 둔 채로 부들부들 떨며 태주에게 잡힌 손을 뺸다
태주, 은수의 손을 다시 잡으려는데 은수, 경기를 일으키듯 몸을 비켜선다.
태주, 감히 은수에게 다가서지 못하는데 은수, 넋이 나간 듯 빗속으로 걸어가기 시작한다.
도망이라도 치듯 종종 걸음으로 가는 은수, 도저히 주체할 수 없는 감정으로 은수의 얼굴이 조금씩 일그러진다.
태주, 겉옷을 벗어 은수를 쫓아간다. 빗줄기를 가리려 은수의 뒹서 은수의 머리와 자기 머리를 옷으로 가리고 은수를 쫓아 걷는다.
은수는 여전히 넋이 나간 채 얼굴이 더욱 일그러지며 울음을 터뜨리기 시작한다. 빗물과 눈물이 엉킨다.
태주가 뒤에 따라오든 말든 은수의 울음은 점점 격앙된다.태주 : 야 괘찮아? 어디 가는 거야, 야…
태주, 은수의 몸을 돌리려는데, 그순간 은수가 먼저 몸을 돌려 태주에게 달려들 듯이 입을 맞춘다.
태주, 은수를 꼭 끌어안는다.
어느때보다 뜨겁고 열정적으로 포옹하며 오래도록 입을 맞추는 두 사람 모습에서-끝-