
"Buccola was trippin balls today"

Wow. But yeah, Buccola was pissed today. And it was our first period that started it all. Didn't think it would be much of a big deal, but apparently, she told every other class, and wasted 35 minutes of every other class. so i guess they should thank us. Especially my group. LOL since we're the ones that pissed her off. 

I mean does it really matter if we don't do anything? We just answer the question, and we did the A de E right? No. Buccola thinks that we have to talk on and on and on about it. for freaking 2 minutes. I mean AP Spanish is 2 minutes, IB Spanish is 10 minutes. We're only SPANISH 3! So why the hell are you tripping womannnn?

Says that she really cares for us, and thats why she gives us these assignments to do. so we can succeed in life (LOL irony, tied into our English lesson). And so this happened twice. And she was feraking pissed off. Then we got into our weird ABANICO circle stuff, and she's sees something wrong. There are even number of people, but Adit doesn't have a partner because ERNESTO is freaking next to Moises! So she's mad again, and is like "WHY CAN'T FIRST PERIOD DO ANYTHING RIGHT?!" For many of us, it's already the 2nd class of the day, so don't trip out. 

Wow. I totally love Buccola. She's an awesome teacher, and really cares for everyone. but.... ughhh. 


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