Supah Kyuuuuut Cupcakes!

These are almost too adorable to eat. (Due to almost hellish backload of recaps and episodes and the such, and also, horror of horrors, am learning how to screencap, will probably not resume normal programming soon.)

Pikachuuuuuuuuuu, I choose you! (Or in my case probably Evee and its 10^infinity evolutions.)

Pokemon cupcakes

And if that isn’t geeky enough for you, here:


For all you traditionalists:


And the quintessential American cartoon:

Usually I’m grateful that my cupcakes come out of the oven in the right shape, you know? But the makers of these totally went above and beyond the call of culinary duty. :D

And some English trivia, because I’m a word nerd - in Canada we call them muffins (go to England, ask for a muffin, and you will get a bread-like thing that has no sugar in it; woe), in the States they’re cupcakes (depending on size and nutritional content, lol), but in Ireland, they’re called fairy buns. (*snerk*)

Pictures courtesy of Cakewrecks.


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