Ooooookay, WordPress is being douchey and not letting me embed (again), so here’s a linky to the interview instead.
Highlights: “I was convinced… that Stephenie was convinced… that she was Bella… and it was like a book that wasn’t supposed to be published. And you’re reading like, her sort of sexual fantasy. [...] I was like, This woman is mad. She’s completely mad, and she’s in love with her own fictional creation. And sometimes you’d like feel uncomfortable reading this thing. [...] It’s kind of… like a sick pleasure.”
I have succumbed.
Seriously, the more he talks, the more I like him. He’s obviously not too happy at the prospect of having to do the rest of the books - and is probably trying his damnedest to get fired. It’s not going to work, though, what with the ruckus today over in Dallas. Shame.
In fact, he sounds downright stressed and that caffeine probably doesn’t help.
Other Pattinson classics:
- “When you read the book,” says Pattinson, looking appropriately pallid and interesting even without makeup, “it’s like, ‘Edward Cullen was so beautiful I creamed myself.’ I mean, every line is like that. He’s the most ridiculous person who’s so amazing at everything. I think a lot of actors tried to play that aspect. I just couldn’t do that. And the more I read the script, the more I hated this guy, so that’s how I played him, as a manic-depressive who hates himself. Plus, he’s a 108-year-old virgin so he’s obviously got some issues there.”
- “Pattinson: Whenever we kiss, I just try to kill her all the time.
Stewart: And I love that. She’s a total sadomasochist, if you think about it.
Pattinson: And I’m just gay.
Stewart: Or impotent.”
- “I don’t do anything but go to screaming sessions anymore,” Pattinson said. “I don’t know what my actual life is now.”
- “As soon as [Robert Pattinson] comes into cash, [he] has a tendency to blow it all anyway. ”Not on cars, obviously,” he laughs. ”I have very, very low expenditures, but still I manage to spend it all. I guess Hot Pockets are more expensive than I thought.”
Source: Mainly the awesome Cleolinda.