[Track Review] 리리밴드 (Riri Band) - 슈퍼에 갔어 (At the Supermarket)


리리밴드’s (Riri Band’s) first single, 슈퍼에 갔어 (At the Supermarket), was a bit of a viral hit thanks to the adorable manga-styled promotional video. The single stood out as a pop-rock gem in a sea of mediocrity. The song proved it had longevity after I realized that every day for two weeks after hearing it I found myself blasting it through my headphones every free moment I had. 리리밴드 is led by actress 추소(Choo So Yeong); for all intents and purposes her voice holds up quite nicely. She isn’t as strong as 체리필터’s (Cherry Filter’s) 조유진 (Cho Youjeen) but she holds her own. What impressed me about 추소영 is that out of the gate she showed off above average vocal talent in a fairly unforgiving genre. Pop-rock is hard to pull off, especially if your audience is primarily based in pop, but 리리밴드 manages to attract those who enjoy both genre’s thanks to the lyrics, which are just as adorable as the premise of the music video. The song is catchy and strong, and leaves me wanting more from 리리밴드 in the hopefully near future.

Check out the MV for yourself:

리리밴드 (Riri Band) - 슈퍼에 갔어 (At the Supermarket)


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