Paris & Tokyo

Rofl. On Monday, this black boy, out of nowhere says hi to me. I'm like what the hell? Do I know him? Haha. So I'm looking around me, and I'm like WHATEVER. And I walk away. I go home and I tell my mom, and she's like, "Maybe he thought you were black?" LOL! I laughed my head off.

Then today, I was talking to Jason, and all of a sudden he starts singing this song. And I asked if that was a song, he said yes. So I googled it, and now I know why that boy said hi to me.

"Let's go to sleep in Paris, And wake up in Tokyo.
Have a dream in New Orleans, Fall in love in Chicago,
Mayne. Wherever I go she goes."

These are the lyrics to Lupe Fiasco's song Paris Tokyo. And on Monday, I was wearing a shirt that said PARIS <-> TOKYO. So I guess he thought I was a 'fan' of the song or something. Haha. Hilarious. My mom told me I should never wear the shirt ever again. But hell, it was 25bucks, and hell's going to freeze over before I waste that.


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