2007 felt, at once, like the longest and the shortest year ever. I mean, it seems like just yesterday that I discovered the expansive, chaotic pop of Menomena’s Friend Or Foe, though it has lived on my iPod since its release last January, and yet I feel like that new Radiohead has always existed for me, though I only downloaded my copy in October.

There were so many great records that came out this year from folks like longtime indie stalwarts Spoon and the late Elliott Smith, so the following mix is just a smattering of some of the best songs of the year. Defining them was a tough conundrum—what makes something “the best?”.

When I look back on the year and think about all the events I witnessed both personal and national—where were you when you saw that Britney Spears had shaved her head?—these were the songs that were playing in the background, they scored my life. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.


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