Wow. So much for posting everyday! Haha (:
OKAY! So, after I posted the last post, something terrible happened. At about 7:15pm, I got an IM saying that the school rally was canceled. Sopmething about gun threats at Diamond Bar High School. So I freaked out. Iming everyone and asking if they knew about it. I got information from there being a hitlist, to gang initiations on who could shoot the more people. I was fucking freaking out. I mean, What the fuck was going on?! I told my mom and she contacted everyone she knew who had sons and daughters at Diamond Bar High, and asked about it. She was told that two guns were REALLY found at school, in a boys locker. Then she got stuff like someone saying it was a korean boy? But seriously, just because of the V-Tech thing, you don't always have to blame koreans! -___-x Moving on. Then my mom calls a member in CAPA (Chinese-American Parent Association) and asks if they know anything about this 'rumor'. The parent sauid no, but that they'll call the president of CAPA. They called, but no one answered. My mom then got fucking pissed off at Dennis Paul, our principal. Saying how he should at least contact everyone so they know if it's a rumor or not. My mom keeps calling people, and gets information that police are all driving around school. So she goes out and drive to school to see if it's true. It wasn't. There were no police cars, and the school was not on lockdown. She comes back and gets some more calls from parents asking about the news. I get information on Myspace that there's a hitlist. Saying how theres people that the shooter is targeting at th rally. But how the hell can you target someone in an overpacked gym? Also, that this was all gang-related, and as a gang initiation, they're seeing who can shoot the most people. People were saying how there wasn't any guns, and that it was all false. Lucy called the Police and asked, and they said that there weren't any guns found. Later my mom calls, and they said there were guns found. What the fuck? Lie to the kids, but tell the truth to the parents? So hypocritical, always saying, "Don't lie, kids!". About every 3 minutes, I get calls and e-mails, and IM's telling me not to go to school tomorrow, because I might get shot. I'm saying that I don't know if I should go or not, because it might be a rumor, and I might just be missing school for nothing. At this time, I'm so fucking confused about everything. My mom gets information that some boy who wasn't doing good on his tests said that if he didn't get a good grade on his next test in fourth period, he was going to start shooting everyone. On and on, I get all these different things about Friday. My dad insists that if the plans of the shooting don't go through on Friday, that it might happen anytime next week. And that no one will know about it. So right now, I'm freaking out. I'm telling my friend Pauline about everything, and she's so scared she said she was about to pee her pants. HAHA So I'm up until about 12am, IMing people, and checking Myspace, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
The next day, I still wake up at 6:30am, and I ask my mom if I need to go to school or not. She's on the phone with one of her friends, and her friend said that she's not making her son and daughter go because it's too dangerous. Rather miss a day of school, than risk your life, right? So my mom's saying I don't need to go. Right now, I'm still online talking to Lui, deciding if I should go or not. We didn't want to miss school, but then we didn't want to die. HAHA We're both saying how our moms might make us go, and we're sitting there with grim faces. A few minutes later, she gets a call from her friend in CAPA, and says that she just took her daughter to Diamond Bar High School, and that everything was fine. The principal was outside with other teachers saying that this was all a rumor and that everyone is safe. So my mom's wondering if I should go or not. Then she comes to the conclusion that it was too risky. Because she called the Police and they said they found guns. It was too dangerous, and she didn't want to put me in danger. At about 8:15am, my mom calls the Attendence Office, and leaves a message saying how she's not letting me go to school because it was too dangerous. And that if they had information to call us. I hear from a friend of mine, that there was only 3 people in a zero period class. At 10am, we get a pre-recorded call from the school, with Mr. Paul. It stated: "This is Principal Denis Paul from Diamond Bar High School. Over the past few days we have been dealing with rumors of a gun on campus. Let me assure you, we have not found any guns or other weapons at Diamond Bar High School. While this rumor has grown and caused great anxiety among our students and parents, there is no evidence that there is any danger to our students. Classes are in session, and staff members have been visiting classrooms to reassure students and provide them with the facts. We have been working with our sheriff's department throughout this time to further ensure our student's safety. I appreciate your assistance in helping dispel these unfounded rumors." My mom gets mad, and is yelling about how they should've contacted us earlier. And how that because they received the call, we should just go to school? She then freaks out about the informaton about the boy who says that he'll start shooting people if he gets a bad grade in 4th period, and refuses to let me go to school. We end up going to H-Mart, and buying, what seemed like, 300 pears and 5 bags of chestnuts. HAHAHAHA After, it's about lunchtime, and we drive to school to see what it's like. The school literally looked deserted. It was lunch, and there was no one there. Usually, everyone's all loud and talkative at lunch, but the school was silent. And there were police cars parked out front, so my mom was saying why are there police cars out front, if nothing was happening? You just don't put police cars in front of your school for nothing. Basically, like Lui said, it was like a holiday, haha. A three-day weekend for the people who didn't go to school that day.
On Saturday morning, I'm on Myspace and I see that my friend Sabrina said that Diamond Bar High School was on the LA TImes newspaper. I literally 'ROFL'ed. I go to latimes.com and I search Diamdon Bar. I found the article on the LA Times about Diamond Bar High. It stated: "School struggles to quell rumors of attack. (December 15, 2007) A joke by a 'good kid' spreads like a virus through the Internet and text messaging, fueled in part by the principal's attempts to squelch it. What began as a student's joke about a gun at Diamond Bar High School quickly warped into an ominous warning of a Columbine-style attack -- complete with rumors of a hit list for a Friday pep rally -- spread by text messages, phone calls and the Internet. And Principal Denis Paul's every effort to extinguish the growing rumor fueled it instead. By Friday morning, staff estimated that as many as half of the school's 3,260 students were absent. "A million of my friends called last night," senior Eileen Liao, 17, said as she left after attending classes. "People really panicked. It's like the telephone game where you tell someone something and it comes out all twisted." The runaway rumor came in the wake of several high-profile mass shootings -- nine dead at a Nebraska mall, four killed at a religious retreat and church in Colorado, and six youths who were wounded as they got off a bus in Las Vegas. Parents said those incidents made them believe the rumor could be true. In more than two decades at the secure, well-maintained campus, Paul said, he had never seen a rumor grow so out of control. He spent more time trying to dispel the rumor than he did investigating the joke that started it all. Paul said a male student, whom he called a "good kid," had been disciplined for making the comment but he declined to say how. (Sheriff's officials said Friday that the incident did not merit a criminal investigation.) But a quick resolution proved elusive. With rumors already rampant by the time classes ended Thursday, Paul decided to cancel the Friday pep rally, figuring that students were too anxious. Instead of calming nerves, the cancellation fueled rumors that the school would be under attack. Later that night, as students mingled on campus at a concert, color guard meeting and wrestling match, they began to exchange text messages. Soon, instant messages multiplied exponentially through Myspace.com, becoming what Paul called "the perfect storm" of gossip. He fielded calls from parents until 10:30 p.m. Thursday. On Friday morning, hoping once again to reassure people, Paul asked sheriff's deputies to park in front of the school. But the sight of patrol cars had the opposite effect, persuading many parents that administrators were still investigating a threat. Paul said deputies told him they fielded more than 200 calls about a possible attack at the school. Administrators spent much of Friday on the phone or in meetings with worried parents who streamed through the main office. Senior David An, 17, president of the student body, came to school Friday although his mother asked him to stay home. An was nervous when he found his Advanced Placement classes half-empty, but said coming to school "felt like the right thing to do." Nelson Huang, vice president of the Chinese American Parents Assn., heard the rumor Thursday night from his two children, both students at the school, and started getting calls from worried parents soon after. He called the principal and was satisfied the rumor was baseless. When his children Nicole, 17, and Nicholas, 16, told him they were afraid, Huang said that as leaders of the Chinese American Student Assn., they had to trust the principal. "It's very important to set an example that we know it's just a rumor," Huang said. Huang sent both children to school Friday. But rumors were still swirling as he prepared for the associations' annual Christmas party, which he refused to cancel, at the school Friday night. Huang called to check on his daughter, just in case. At about 10:40 a.m., Paul made a final effort to kill the story for good. "Let me assure you," he said in a message sent out via the school's automated notification system, which reaches parents and students by phone and e-mail, "we have not found any guns or other weapons at Diamond Bar High School. While this rumor has grown and caused great anxiety among our students and parents, there is no evidence that there is any danger to our students." That satisfied many parents, although some who kept their children home said they wished he had sent it out earlier." My mom was pissed at what the CAPA person said. If he knew what was going on, then he should've called us back, when we left a message. What the hell?! Saturday, and I call up my friends who actually were brave enough to go to school, and ask what happened. They said nothing, and that it was fun with half the school missing. They said nothing really happened, and because everyone was missing, most of the teachers just watched videos. So I'm thinking, OKAY. Then I hear that some of the teachers gave extra-credit to the people who went, and I went fucking ballistic. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GIVING EXTRA-CREDIT FOR RISKING YOUR LIFE? Everyone was afraid that the rumor was true, and why the fuck are you giving extra-credit to the people that were stupid enough to come? And not to the people who were smart enough to stay home?! And that for Spanish, we learned about preterite verbs! SO IMPORTANT! And that Pollard gave out a lot of bravos. It's not fair for the people who didn't come then. The average amount of bravos is going to be high because of that one day when not a lot of people went. At least, as of today (Monday), Mesdjian was the best. She's all saying how if it happens again, text her so she doesn't have to come to school. HAHA She's so freaking cool! (: My mom still states that there WERE guns found at school. So yeah, everyone who reads this and goes to Diamond Bar High School, be careful this week. You never know what's going to happen now.