Coming to an end...
18 DAYS UNTIL 2008.
It scary how fast 2007 passed by. It seems just like yesterday that I was at Nicoles house on New Years Eve. Drinking, playing DDR, trying to burn Garfield, and watching 'videos'. I can most definately say that this was wasn't what I thought it was going to be like. It was actually below my standards. Last year, I think, was the best year for me. Except for 1992, because that's when I was born. haha Another year passed by me, and I didn't do anything about it. Seriously, nothing happened to me this year. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.
Sad news for everyone. A few days ago, Deputy Wright was hit by a drunk driver. He needed to have his leg amputated. I was so shocked when my little brother told me yesterday. I find it unfortunately ironic how his very career was to fight this kind of trouble, and yet he was hurt by it. I know that he's a very strong person, however. I believe that he posseses the strength to overcome this and move forward. I hope he still has a very happy holiday with him family and friends.