Valentines Day

10 more days until that so-called VALENTINE'S DAY. 10 more days until I get to ridicule all the couple at school. I think it's just sad that we're celebrating the day that a a monk or saint or whatever died.

And, thanks to a concentrated marketing effort, Valentine's Day has emerged in Japan and Korea as a day on which women, and less commonly men, give candy, chocolate or flowers to people they like. Not a lot of girls are that brave. On TV they make it seem so, but in real life. haha OH YEAH, I'M GOING TO GIVE THESE CHOCOLATES TO THIS GUY, AND HE'S GOING TO FALL IN LOVE WITH ME! -______-x I've tried girls, and NO it does not work.

This has become an obligation for many women. Those who work in offices end up giving chocolates to all their male co-workers, sometimes at significant personal expense. This chocolate is known as ?????, in Japan, from the words giri and choko, a common short version of ??????. This contrasts with honmei-choko, which is given to a person someone loves or has a strong relationship with. Friends, especially girls, exchange chocolate that are referred to as ????; tomo means "friend" in Japanese.

By a further marketing effort, a reciprocal day called White Day has emerged. On March 14, men are expected to return the favour to those who gave them chocolates on Valentine's Day. Many men, however, give only to their girlfriends. Originally, the return gift was supposed to be white chocolate or marshmallows. However, men have taken the name to a different meaning and lingerie has become a common gift. ROFLMAO. Yeah if some guys really give all the girls things back, then i'm the queen of england. X)

In Korea, there is an additional Black Day on April 14, when males who did not receive anything for Valentine's Day gather together to eat Jajangmyun. In South Korea, there is also Pepero Day, celebrated on November 11, during which young couples give each other romantic gifts. I'm sad, because I can't give him anything for Valentine's Day, and though Jajangmyun is really good, I don't want him to eat it that day. Pepero is also known as Pocky. ROFL where couples buy each other pocky and have a fun pocky day.


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